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Testing Frameworks

Testing Categories

Testing is organized into four main categories:

  1. Integration Testing (End-to-End Testing):
    Validates the entire system within its operational environment, whether in simulation or on hardware.

  2. System Testing:
    Tests interactions between system components, such as communication between ROS nodes.

  3. Node Testing:
    Focuses on verifying the functionality of individual nodes, from initialization to execution.

  4. Unit Testing:
    Tests specific functions or business logic to ensure the correctness of the smallest units of code.

Testing Utilities

Since our autonomy system primarily relies on ROS 2, we use the colcon test framework to run tests. Most tests are written in Python using the pytest package, as demonstrated in the example below.

Testing Structure

All tests should be included in a tests/ folder in their respective heirarchy of the architecture. For example, integration testing should on the same level as the robot/ and simulation/ folders, where a node test should reside in the ros package directoy. colcon test will search through the workspace to find all testing packages, provided they are specified in the Cmake.txt or files.

Example Testing Script

Below is an example of a systems test that can give the general structure of a testing script.

import os
import sys
import time
import unittest
import uuid

import launch
from launch.launch_service import LaunchService
import launch_ros
import launch_ros.actions
import launch_testing.actions
from launch_testing.io_handler import ActiveIoHandler
import launch_testing_ros

import pytest

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node

import std_msgs.msg
from std_msgs.msg import String
import mavros_msgs.srv

import time

# this is the test descriptioon used to launch the full robot system with launch_robot_headless.yaml
def generate_test_description():
    robot_launch_path = 'path/to/launch/file'

    gui_arg = launch.actions.DeclareLaunchArgument('use_gui', default_value='false', description='Whether to launch the GUI')

    robot_launch = launch.actions.IncludeLaunchDescription( launch.launch_description_sources.AnyLaunchDescriptionSource(robot_launch_path),
                                                            launch_arguments={'use_gui': launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration('use_gui')}.items())
    return (

class TestRobotSystem(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Initialize the ROS context for the test node

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        # Shutdown the ROS context

    def setUp(self):
        # Create a ROS node for tests
        self.node = rclpy.create_node('robot_tester_node')
        self.service_timeout = 2

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_set_mode(self):
        client = self.node.create_client(mavros_msgs.srv.SetMode, '/mavros/set_mode')
        self.node.get_logger().info("Waiting for service to be available...")
        accum_time = 0
        while not client.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
            print('service not available, waiting again...')
            accum_time += 1
            if accum_time > self.service_timeout:
                print('service not available, aborting test...')
        request = mavros_msgs.srv.SetMode.Request()
        request.custom_mode = "GUIDED"
        print("Sending request to set mode to GUIDED") 
        future = client.call_async(request)
        rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self.node, future)
        response = future.result()