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Code located in AirStack/ros_ws/src/robot/autonomy/controls/.


Launch files are under src/robot/autonomy/controls/controls_bringup/launch.

Can be launched with ros2 launch controls_bringup launch_controls.yaml


Package robot_interface is a ROS2 node that interfaces with the robot's hardware. The RobotInterface gets robot state and forwards it to the autonomy stack, and also translates control commands from the autonomy stack into the command for the underlying hardware. Note the base class is unimplemented. Specific implementations should extend class RobotInterface in robot_interface.hpp, for example MAVROSInterface.


The RobotInterface broadcasts the robot's pose as a TF2 transform. It also publishes the robot's odometry as a nav_msgs/Odometry message to $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/odometry.


The commands are variations of the two main command modes: Attitude control and Position control. These are reflected in MAVLink and supported by both PX4 and Ardupilot.

The RobotInterface node subscribes to:

  • $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/cmd_attitude_thrust of type mav_msgs/AttitudeThrust.msg
  • $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/cmd_rate_thrust of type mav_msgs/RateThrust.msg
  • $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/cmd_roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust of type mav_msgs/RollPitchYawrateThrust.msg
  • $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/cmd_torque_thrust of type mav_msgs/TorqueThrust.msg
  • $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/cmd_velocity of type geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.msg
  • $(arg robot_name)/controls/robot_interface/cmd_position of type geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.msg

All messages are in the robot's body frame, except velocity and position which use the frame specified by the message header.

Custom Robot Interface

Implementations should do the following:

Broadcast State

Implementations of RobotInterface should obtain the robot's pose and broadcast it as a TF2 transform.

Should look something like:

// callback function triggered by some loop
void your_callback_function(){
    // ...
    geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped t;
    // populate the transform, e.g.:
    t.header = // some header
    t.transform.translation.x = // some value
    t.transform.translation.y = // some value
    t.transform.translation.z = // some value
    t.transform.rotation = // some quaternion
    // Send the transformation
    // ...

Override Command Handling

Should override all virtual functions in robot_interface.hpp:

  • cmd_attitude_thrust_callback
  • cmd_rate_thrust_callback
  • cmd_roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_callback
  • cmd_torque_thrust_callback
  • cmd_velocity_callback
  • cmd_position_callback
  • request_control
  • arm
  • disarm
  • is_armed
  • has_control